Our Partners
The Healthy Headwaters Lab works in partnership with many individuals and groups. Here are a few that are part of our community.
Industry and Government Organizations
NZ’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Living Water Partnership (New Zealand)
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
NGO’s and Practitioner Groups
Ontario Greenhouse and Vegetable Growers Association
Essex Region Conservation Authority
Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority
St. Clair Region Conservation Authority
Individual Farmers and Rights Holders
Visit our FERN page for more information.
Departments and Institutions
Deptartment of Integrative Biology, University of Windsor
The Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research
Research Groups and Teams
Freshwater ecology research group (FERG), University of Canterbury
Pitcher Lab, University of Windsor
Macrae Biogeochemistry Lab, University of Waterloo
Daelyn Woolnough, Central Michigan University
Cameron Proctor, University of Windsor
Resilience Collaborative, Brock University
NinDaWaabJig / Walpole Island Heritage Centre
University of Windsor Office of Research and Innovation Services
University of Windsor Faculty of Science
Canada Research Chairs Program